About us

Hey everyone, 

My name is Maddie and welcome to The Little Sleepy Fox Co! Thank you for visiting my store, whether it is purchase an item, just to browse or even if you just want to know more about us, thank you! 

Now for why this store has been made. Back in August 2019, I had a beautiful, healthy baby boy, Alex. My little mister and he was such a sweet and gorgeous being, inside and out. Sadly, in November 2020, this gorgeous little fella was taken away too soon. He was a happy and healthy little mister and then sadly, just in an instant, he wasn’t. After a long, scary and draining two weeks, my little mister sadly passed to pneumococcal meningitis and was one of the ones that unfortunately did not survive. 

This store has been made in his memory and is designed to help others much like he would have. From every purchase, every single item sold, a minimum of 50% goes to the Meningitis Centre Australia to assist in providing funds for the much needed research to help anyone that has been affected by the disease. This is so important and every little purchase helps to support this not-for-profit organisation in supporting and helping to research how to keep anyone affected by the disease to be with their families. 

So for everyone that has come to this page, thank you, thank you so much for helping to support this cause and thank you for helping me keep the memory of my little mister alive.